Digital promotion - Lifetouch
Strengthen the links between laboratories and pharmacists to bring value to patient consumers
The Lifetouch platform is build to make all contacts fluid between points of sales, laboratories and GSA Healthcare. It’s builded around interactive spaces (products training, promotion, contacts and customer service) to interact with pharmacies and parapharmacies 24h/7. Each action is monitor with quantified reporting.
Lifetouch covers around 16 500 pharmacies and parapharmacies. The cumulated audience is more of 14 500 points of sales. Impact measures confirm the tool legitimacy. Between news and products informations, Lifetouch is today a referral partner in the relationship between GSA Healthcare, laboratories and pharmacies/parapharmacies.
The message and offers construction is delegated to an expert department under the responsability of a GSA Healthcare consultant. GSA Healthcare support each campaign with consulting assistance. From the project management to the reporting passing through setting and testing phases.